The women labels

Visual posters speaking for appearance anxiety for women

Within a singular aesthetic, women's appearances remain perpetually bound and shaped by societal norms. Despite the increasing awareness among the majority of women regarding this matter, our physicality continues to be governed and influenced by the invisible words of others. When one rips off the labels, women also gain freedom. 在单一的审美之下,女性的容貌永远被社会的条条框框所禁锢、影响。虽然大部分女性已经逐渐意识到这个问题,但是我们的外貌仍然在生活中被隐形的言语所控制。在撕下这些标签的时候,女性也得到了自由。


April 2024


Poster design
Visual design


Instructed by Hillel O'heary
Storylab RISD 2024 Spring