Life kit of women

Deconstructing the "unescapable" and "planned" life of women

In this piece, I distill a woman's life into a templated card game for children. As every girl hears from a young age, our lives seem predestined from birth: attend school, groom ourselves, marry, and bear children. These steps are eerily uniform, and any deviation from this prescribed path brands a woman as "different." Through this work, I seek to poignantly satirize the sorrowful plight of modern women. 在这个作品中,我将女性的人生浓缩成了一个面向儿童的模板化卡片游戏。正如每个女孩小时候听到的那样,我们在出生时似乎就被安排了一条固定的人生轨道:上学、打扮自己、结婚、生子。这些步骤几乎如出一辙,一旦偏离这条预设的轨道,女性就会被贴上“另类”的标签。因此,我希望通过这个作品讽刺当代女性所面临的悲哀。


Nov 2023


Packaging design
Visual design
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop


Instructed by Leah Beeferman
Painterly images RISD 2023 Fall